Our Services

Leaders agency team using primarily Adobe Flash technology. Interactive CD-ROMs can deliver a multimedia-rich presentation to your clients, show videos, or even connect them to your website. Advanced CD-ROM projects can do even more, such as allow direct product ordering, connect to online or local databases, and provide interactive forms or games.
Interface and Interactive Design
What good is a collection of video, animation, and music if it's not well designed? At CD Media we place a strong emphasis on quality design in two key areas:
* Interface Design is the art of creating graphical interfaces (the screen, buttons, colors, and other visual elements) that are ergonomic and attractive, allowing your message to arrive to your client unimpeded.
* Interactive Design is the art of creating a navigation system that makes it easy for the viewer to explore their way through the content, and to quickly jump to any appropriate section.
We pay attention to ease of use, in conjunction with style and provide an effective solution that blends form with function.
DVD Video Authoring
DVDs are able to hold between 7 to 25 times more information than a CD. For presentations, providing a DVD-video to your clients to show off your company's products is hard to beat.
CD Media can author DVDs that will play on set-top DVD players and DVD-Video equipped computers.
With interactive menu navigation, alternate audio tracks (up to eight), and the ability to add subtitles, DVD-video is quickly becoming the latest and best medium for companies looking to market their services directly to consumers or businesses
Our multimedia designers have many ways of projecting your business image. A powerful multimedia presentation, distributed on-line, or via a full-size or business-sized CD-ROM, can quickly separate you from the competition.
Flash Technology
Flash Technology is one of the widely used tools for creating multimedia presentation. Flash gives tremendous freedom to create designs in a very low size package optimized for the web, Flash can be used to develop interactive corporate introductions, presentations, games as well as complete websites with database driven content and forms.
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