Our Services

Social Media Marketing
If you check your Facebook or Tweet account one or more times daily you know that Social Media is making a difference.
A professionally designed Socal Media campaign is very important but also the maintenance should not be forgotten.
We are happy to develop your Social Media campaign en take care of the maintenance. If you order one of our Website Design packages you can order the Starters Package with a special discount or even it is included in the Premium Package.
Social Media Starter Package
Creation of Facebook page
Creation of Twitter page
Creation of advertising
If you have video’s we are happy to make your YouTube account. Also we are able to develop a corporate video presentation for your website using e.g. YouTube.
Implementation Google + 1 on your website
Implementation of Addthis application to your website for easy sharing and recommendation of your page(s).
E-mail campaigns
why is marketing via e-mail of the most important goals?
According to the study conducted by a "Winterberry "is consulting firm global strategy unique in the field of marketing services," which explained that marketing via e-mail generates 15.5 per dollar exchange and this is equivalent to an increase of 17% compared to campaigns direct marketing and increase 73% for marketing campaigns over the phone.
Briefly clear to us the importance of e-mail marketing, to provide you with service to send advertising campaigns via email, and also choose your category
Benefits e-mail marketing from us:
• save time and increase sales.
• prepare lists of customers and send them bulletins as soon as you press the button
• will realize immediate results. In a few minutes you send messages that could start receiving orders and customer inquiries.
• You can measure the results. By using e-mail campaigns you can track the results and test messages to see which works best.
The possibility of follow-up campaign by the site to see the number of messages sent
And the number of messages remaining in the transmission phase
The remaining time to complete the transmission
When you use a marketing solutions via e-mail, you can work or bulletin and sent in less than an hour or two hours, compared to other traditional marketing campaigns, which take weeks to go
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Your website may have a good design and functionality but it may not appear always well in the search engines. Use our SEO services to improve your ranking and increase your sales! We are happy to provide you more information. Please click here to Request a Quote today..
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